Sorry I haven't posted in a little while, I haven't really been around this weekend since my package finally arrived...
It had been about two weeks since Gina from
Cat Nap Inn Primitives sent me a box of autumn goodies just because she's awesome. She didn't even know me that well, and she still set up an amazing goodie box for me and shipped it out across the country... People like her renew my faith in people. :) Anyways, so it had been a long time and I still didn't receive her gift in the mail. We started to worry and I was afraid it got shipped to the wrong person or got lost somewhere in parcel-space. Then Friday, I checked my mail and saw that I had a note from the mailman on a piece of spam that otherwise would have been chucked immediately, telling me I had a parcel at my front door. So I ran upstairs, through my apartment to the other door and snatched my goodies, haha. It really was like Christmas as I sat in my room pulling out each item gasping, oohing and ahhing in disbelief of the things she sent me. :)

Everything on that table is from Gina. :) I am sooo in love with that little lamp and the potpourri smells amazing in it. That's probably why I haven't found a real spot for it yet just to keep it at my computer desk and nightstand so I can stare at it and smell it. ^_^
I've started to put a few things in places, but I'm still not happy with some of the decisions, so they might change from now.
I had this tiny corner shelf set up months ago and NOTHING small enough to fit on it, hahaha. I love the pumpkin and crow combo on the top, but the little white one might get moved somewhere else. I'm indecisive. :)
I still love this unit so much. I snuck in one of Gina's white pumpkins on here as well. I was originally going to try to keep them all together, but I like the subtle complement when they're placed one at a time in random places.

Mini side story time. So the little girl toilet paper cover below was made and given to my great grandmother (Ma) from her mother-in-law ages ago. It sat in the main bathroom of my great grandmother's house for years until my grandmother (Gram) decided to redo and redecorate the bathroom with some boring all-white deal. Needless to say, this piece did not fit and it got moved apparently to Ma's room after that, which was probably why I forgot about it. So years later to the present day, in the evening after I gave Ma her Pooh kitty, she came out of her room with this in hand. I originally was going to say she could keep it because it's not really my style, but considering that I don't have many things from Ma and I don't know how much longer she'll be around, I carried this little gal home and put her in my bathroom. I think of Ma whenever I see her, and I've grown quite fond of her, probably for that reason.
Anywho, I'm not sure I'm going to leave the little pumpkins from Gina there because that basket isn't really catching my fancy and I have no cute little dough bowls, but they're almost the same mustard color as Ma's doll's dress. So for now, they shall keep her company. :)
So as I've posted about before, I have this whole bright orange thing going on in my bathroom, and decided that the bigger pumpkin would fit in on one of the shelves. And it does! The problem is, I don't know what else to put with it... I love that little candle she sent me, and the candle placemat is adorable, so I feel it should be done more justice, so I'll probably move this around too at some point. I'm pretty much the most indecisive decorator ever, haha.
I snuck in another of the white pumpkins on that adorable little shelf above the toilet. I would glare at that empty space next to the rusty star plant thing, wishing I knew what to put there, and for now, the pumkin shall fill the void, haha.
So aside from the rusty tin lamp with deliciously scented autumn potpourri, which is kept near me in my messy area (hence no photograph, haha), this next bit has got to be one of my favorites. I've been wanting curtains for my kitchen window for soooo long (I love curtains, apparently), but there's no way to fit a tiny rod above it. So I actually ended up tacking the top of these above the window, haha. But hey! I love it! *squeee*
There are still things I don't have a home for yet, but here are my photos for now. :)
Also, remember how I've been saying that I've been wanting some sweet annie but didn't know where to get it/couldn't grow it, etc? I WON SOME! Ahahaha, I so happyyy, haha. I was one of the winners of the sweet annie givaway over at
Raspberry Lane Primitives! I never win anything, haha. Somehow, things always seem to work like this for me... What I mean is, I've been having a really hard time lately freaking out about money considering that I had a dying car, needed to be able to get to campus and work, plus I might not be able to get my textbooks this semester... Needless to say, I've been stressed beyond belief and financially strung out. So after a really bad day, I came home to Gina's box-o-love, then a few days later got a message on Facebook saying I won some sweet annie... Really, both of these things made my day. It's all about the little things in life. Now my car is in the shop getting a whole new engine (and by new, I mean one with 125k miles on it from a junkyard), and my internship has been going smoothely. I actually caught a $45,000 mistake on my third day. :) Bring it, world!
I still need to learn how to take everything one day at a time with a fresh mind instead of carrying over all the stress from the previous days. I really hate cars for the fact that they make it nearly impossible to do this when they prove time and time again to be unreliable pieces of money-sucking crap. Hopefully, some day I'll be a big bad rich accountant, then I can buy a NEW car and be able to pay for whatever might happen along the way.
Anywho, thanks again for stopping by. I'll be sure to post pictures of updated decor from Gina, and definitely of things stuffed with sweet annie! I can't wait to put some in those stockings I made from a Tennessee Ridge Primitives pattern. :)